Opportunity Knocks Sponsorship
Opportunity Knocks Sponsorship
Please join us in celebrating the work of Youth Job Center.
When: Thursday April 11th, 2019 - 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Where: Mayne Stage - 1328 W Morse Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
On Thursday, April 11, 2019, Youth Job Center will join in celebration with its supporters and stakeholders at Mayne Stage in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood. Coming together as a community allows our staff, volunteers, clients, board members, employers, community partners, and donors to raise funds and awareness that support YJC's vision and mission into the future. This year guests will celebrate our past successes, current efforts, and future endeavors as we look ahead to how we can continue to help young people find success in the workplace and in life.
Every dollar raised goes directly to the high-quality programs and services we offer to young people in Evanston and the Chicagoland area. Together, look at what we do together each year:
Serve over 1,500 high school students with post-secondary planning, skills training, and one- on-one career advising
Support over 300 young adults with work-readiness training, job placement and retention support
Expand our In-School Youth programming, currently serving a total of 6 schools and over 1,500 students in Evanston and Chicago
Connect YJC clients to social service agencies and programs to address significant barriers and challenges including housing, medical care, transportation, and financial literacy
Provide over 250 summer employment opportunities through our Summer Corps and This Way Ahead Programs
In order to provide high-quality, comprehensive services and programming, we rely on individual and public support. We invite both individuals and businesses to join us in sponsoring YJC’s 2019 Benefit and transform the lives of young people in our community through employment. We also invite you to purchase program book ads to show support for our staff, special guests, and clients.