November 2019 Client of the Month
Age: 16
Position: Partner
Employer: Starbucks
Employed: June 2019
Brandon is a 16 year old client who is part of YJC’s In-School Youth Program. Brandon first encountered YJC while he was at school and desperately looking for a job. A staff member at school referred Brandon to the YJC Career Advisor at Brandon’s school. According to Brandon, “Before I found YJC I was completely lost on looking for a job. I am so grateful for the Youth Job Center because they helped me find my current job (which is Starbucks) and I couldn’t be any more grateful.” Brandon’s Career Advisor first referred Brandon to Starbucks, a YJC employer partner, through an initiative called Project Englewood. The process was long but according to Brandon, “It was a great experience and it honestly the best preparation for my job.” Brandon also worked with YJC to become a participant in the organization’s This Way Ahead program, which is run in partnership with Gap Inc., another YJC employer partner.
Through his hard work Brandon was able to get a job at Gap on Michigan Avenue as part of This Way Ahead. Through the program Brandon says he was able to meet “so many amazing people” and he was able to connect with other YJC Career Advisors, Directors, and all the other amazing staff!
Brandon continuously works with his Career Advisor to identify his future goals and decided that he wanted to pursue a future career as a Marketing Director. “That job gives me a chance to flex my communication skills and also helps me to showcase my art,” Brandon says. As part of his journey to become a Marketing Director Brandon has begun filling out college applications and started building out his art portfolio even more. Brandon recommends YJC to all teenagers and is proud of the experience he has gained since coming to YJC!
Keep up the hard work, Brandon!