
January 2015 Client of the Month

Position: Bank Teller
Employer: First Bank and Trust
Employed since: April 2014

When Cornelius first came to Youth Job Center, he said he had three goals; to get a job, work towards getting his degree in Business Administration and get his own apartment. He worked with his YJC career advisor, to apply for different positions but he couldn't find the right fit. In March of 2015, First Bank & Trust reached out to Youth Job Center about a Part-time Teller position at their Main Street branch. Cornelius was referred for the position, because of his customer service, cash-handling experience and charming personality. Youth Job Center helped him prepare for the interview; making sure he had appropriate interview attire and transportation and coaching him about how to handle different workplace situations. His first interview went well and he was immediately scheduled for a second interview at the branch and was ultimately offered the position. 

At the Main Street branch, Cornelius worked closely with his supervisor Chris White, Assistant Vice President. Cornelius reported to his YJC career advisor that he was doing well and was excited to get up and go to work every morning, sometimes even coming in early though he has a long commute. Cornelius transferred to the Central Street branch, working with supervisor Shirley A. Calder, Vice President (pictured above) and in December of 2015 Cornelius was hired on full-time at the Central St. branch. Cornelius enjoys the great benefits that First Bank & Trust provides, and reports that his managers have always created a "friendly atmosphere" and demonstrated that they truly care about his well-being. "Managers see where you are at and how you feel," he said, "they really care about personal and work issues." He also mentioned that they continue to "push him" about pursuing his education, which has taken the backburner as he has focused on his employment goals. Hoping to enroll in school in the fall and starting to look for apartments, Cornelius is excited that his job at First Bank and Trust has put him on the path to achieving his next two goals.