

Age: 20
Position: Cashier
Employer: Walmart
Employed: 2 Months

Alexis is a participant of Lasting Impact and WIOA programming. Alexis began coming to Youth Job Center last year looking for retention support  for her previous position at Sam’s Club. During  meetings with her career advisor, Alexis expressed interest in becoming a Physical Therapist Aide. Through research Alexis and her career advisor found a WIOA funded program that would allow Alexis to receive her Certified Nurse Assistant and Physical Aide Certification under 4 months (at no cost to her). Alexis acted fast on the opportunity,  enrolled into WIOA, and completed her program in  March.

In addition, Alexis transitioned jobs and began working at Walmart after an unexpected store closing with Sam’s Club.  Currently, she is in excellent standing with Walmart.

Alexis has made huge strides in her short time working with Youth Job Center. She persevered through many barriers and unexpected turns.  Moving forward, Alexis will be taking her state exam in May and plans to apply for jobs in the medical field after passing.

Way to go, Alexis!