

Age: 18
Position: Line Cook
Employer: CMX Cinemas
Employed since: 2 Months

Ameen is a senior at Roger C. Sullivan High School and moved to Chicago in July 2016 from Jordan. Last year he attended the Youth Job Center Spring Job Fair and landed a position with Jewel Osco and then later worked full time for Amazon making deliveries in the summer time.

This past fall, he started working with YJC Career Advisor Diana Balitaan on finding another school year permanent part time position. After many applications and interviews, Ameen started as a line cook at CMX Cinemas. It was the perfect way to build on his previous experience since he studied cooking and hospitality back home.

Next year Ameen is excited to attend Oakton Community College to study auto mechanics.

Way to go Ameen, keep up the great work!