
October 2015 Client of the Month

Position: Barista
Employer: Starbucks

Omar first graced Youth Job Center with his great energy in the summer of 2014. At that time Omar had not been in Chicago very long and was not in a stable housing situation. However, Omar never allowed his situation to stifle his work ethic and was a shining star during Job Readiness Training (JRT) and working with his Career Advisor towards his career goals. Omar came to YJC knowing that he wanted to work in the customer service industry, specifically at a Gap, Inc. store. After completing JRT, Omar was referred to the Banana Republic store on Michigan Ave. and was immediately hired!

After working for a year at Banana Republic, first as a store associate and then as a brand ambassador, Omar decided that he wanted to transition into a new position. Omar attended the 100,000 Opportunities Kick-Off event in August of 2015, where he interviewed with Starbucks and was hired on the spot! In addition to all the hard work that Omar has put into building his work history, Omar has secured stable housing, as well as enrolled at DePaul University, where he is majoring in History of Art and Architecture. Omar’s long-term goal is to become a museum curator.

In addition to all the great things that Omar is doing for himself, he has made it a point to make sure that he does work to inspire and assist those who are where he once was, and he will be volunteering for YJC’s Job Readiness Training!

We are MORE than proud of you Omar! Keep up the great work!